House rules


The campaign uses a modified version of the resting system. This makes the use of resources lit Hit Dice, potions and spells more important to players.

Short Rest

When taking a 10 minute downtime a character can:

Regain and use abilities that indicate they require a short rest (e.g., a warlock’s spell slots).

  • Spend Hit Dice, one at a time, to regain hit points (up to their maximum Hit Dice, which is equal to the character’s level).

Long Rest

When taking 8 hours downtime (6 hours of sleep) a character with at least 1 hit point can:

  • Regain and use abilities that indicate they require a long rest.
  • Regain a number of spent Hit Dice equal to half the character’s total number of Hit Dice (minimum 1).
  • Reduce their exhaustion level by 1, if they have also ingested food and drink.
  • You do NOT regain all lost hit points.
  • Spend Hit Dice, one at a time, to regain hit points (up to their maximum Hit Dice, which is equal to the character’s level).

Full Rest

When taking 24 hours downtime in a safe area a character with at least 1 hit point can:

  • Regain all lost hit points.
  • Regain and use abilities that indicate they require a long rest.
  • Regain a number of spent Hit Dice equal to half the character’s total number of Hit Dice (minimum 1).
  • Reduce their exhaustion level by 1, if they have also ingested food and drink.

Burgeoning Heroes

Each character begins with 5 extra hit points.

Death Saves

To add even more tension to these moments, the player make the death save in secret. This means the other players won’t know how close that character is to death, adding a sense of urgency to the moment that it might not otherwise have.

A failed Death Save result in one level of excaustion.

Healing Spirit (spell)

The spell ends once the spirit has restored hit points a number of times equal to twice your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of once) Sage Advice


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