Starting languages
Your character begins play knowing at least three languages:
- Common,
- a language provided by the character’s Background,
- and a language that you choose from the Standard Languages table below. Knowledge of a language means your character can communicate in that language and can read and write it.
The Standard Languages table lists languages that are widespread on D&D worlds in the Material Plane, and the Rare Languages table lists languages that are more rarely known on those worlds. In each table, typical users of a language are mentioned.
Standard languages
Language | Typical Users |
Common | Anyone |
Common Sign Language | Anyone |
Dwarvish | Dwarves |
Elvish | Elves |
Giant | Giants |
Gnomish | Gnomes |
Goblin | Goblinoids |
Halfling | Halfling |
Orc | Orc |
Rare languages
Language | Typical Users |
Abyssal | Demons |
Celestial | Celestials |
Deep Speech | Aberrations |
Draconic | Dragons |
Druidic | Druids |
Infernal | Devils |
Primordial | Elementals |
Sylvan | Fey |
Thieves’ Cant | Rogues |
Undercommon | Underdark folk |