Starting languages

Your character begins play knowing at least three languages:

  • Common,
  • a language provided by the character’s Background,
  • and a language that you choose from the Standard Languages table below. Knowledge of a language means your character can communicate in that language and can read and write it.

The Standard Languages table lists languages that are widespread on D&D worlds in the Material Plane, and the Rare Languages table lists languages that are more rarely known on those worlds. In each table, typical users of a language are mentioned.

Standard languages

Language Typical Users
Common Anyone
Common Sign Language Anyone
Dwarvish Dwarves
Elvish Elves
Giant Giants
Gnomish Gnomes
Goblin Goblinoids
Halfling Halfling
Orc Orc

Rare languages

Language Typical Users
Abyssal Demons
Celestial Celestials
Deep Speech Aberrations
Draconic Dragons
Druidic Druids
Infernal Devils
Primordial Elementals
Sylvan Fey
Thieves’ Cant Rogues
Undercommon Underdark folk